In this day and age we are all living pretty sedentary lifestyles in comparison to our ancestors back in the day. From the cavemen days where we were living day by day to hunt and gather resources for life to a day where we can sit in the comfort of our homes press a couple buttons to order whatever your heart desires straight to your home. Whether this be the clothes on your back, food for your dinners or the bulbs you need for your lights. The post covid era has resulted in a push towards staying indoors giving workplaces more of a reason to allow stay at home orders to continue making the home not only your living space but your work space too!!
I totally disagree with this and believe there should be some separation between your work and home life. The place you come to relax, spend quality time with your family and enjoy the niceties of human interaction has become blurred with zoom calls, working to late hours and overthinking the deadlines produced by employers to ensure you are actually working behind closed doors...
Not only are you physically affected by lack of activity but mentally you do not have any separation between lives that should be opposed. You should be able to leave the office like before with no stress upon your shoulders but that has changed over the years...
How do you navigate this change in lifestyle and step towards your ideal future ?
Lifestyle Change ...
First and foremost I would make the initial change in your home life. Create that separation between work and home. Stick to your hours, sometimes depending on your current work habits this may be difficult but it is time you create balance in your life. Why has the normal 9-5 worker changed into a 9-8pm worker all of a sudden this makes no sense to me at all... Yes bigger lunch breaks but i'm sure in the office you weren't spending the whole 8 hours sitting behind your computer working hard and instead chatting away with colleagues that would equate to that lost time in the lunch hours spent at home...
Superficial deadlines should not be setting you up for a complete revamp of your old life and maybe a return to the office could be more of a positive even if it doesn't look like one on face value. Why turn your place of rest into a stressful environment filled with work...
I would then try include some form of physical activity to break out your normal routine. Sitting behind a desk does more harm than good i'm sure your shoulders, lower back and wrists would be happy I said this! Tradies are viewed as risk takers but when I see a tradie working away I see someone using their body the way it should be used - to fkn move...
Now there is no need to become a tradie overnight, but maybe adding in some form of activity that creates more movement in your lifestyle is going to help you become physically and mentally fitter to tackle the rest of lifes hurdles.
Create that change that your body and mind so desperately needs and escape the new norm that is being set. Following the herd has never been dubbed the best fit and the black sheep are always praised for indifference. Become the black sheep and choose difference because i'm sure that is what you have always truly been striving for. As humans we strive for indifference but love being comfortable. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable and watch yourself flourish!
Make the change - be dynamic :)