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Updated: Nov 23, 2023

You hit a roadblock, do not know where you are going at work, in life or maybe you are having more mental blanks what do you do?

Usually it has become a societal standard that if you are at work most workplaces would set up a brainstorm session with all team members. These brainstorm sessions are reserved to spark creativity, gain structure and basically plan out the next steps with the business, work load etc.

We have done little mindmaps and brainstorms since we started school and the purpose of them is to basically get everything that is going on in our head on paper, on a board or even on your phone's notes.

But why are you finding out about brainstorms on a PT page???

Let me explain :)

Brainstorm For Health

You get confused at work you brainstorm, you get confused at home you brainstorm, you get confused with school/study you brainstorm.

Why is it that training, exercise and nutrition has to be so strict, scheduled and planned weeks, months and years at a time? Why can you not treat that aspect of your life the same as the others?

I hit roadblocks with my training and nutrition all the timeee!!! I do not throw in the towel instead I brainstorm. What is the best step of action I can take moving forward? I love just jotting down all the information I gathered from my recent experience and build upon that with things I failed upon. I reassess my goals and place that at the centre of my focus or mindmap. I then draw outwards picking my brain for ideas on how to attain my old, current or new goal I may be aiming towards.

Ideas will spill out and I write them all down, it may seem confusing a bunch of words written everywhere but later on I will have a better understanding about my feelings, strengths, weaknesses and goals. This way I can truly develop the best action plan that will work for me and only me.

How A PT Can Help?

A PT is regarded as a health and fitness expert and most are, what you will find is that someone that lives and breathes fitness would be the best person to pick your brain. They will demand all the correct answers no matter how uncomfortable this may be it will truly push you towards creating the best plan moving forward.

Having some lavish plan that has been curated by some expert is not what you need. Yes getting an experts plan may get you results but how about something that you can use for a lifetime???

I want you to create your plan, understand exactly what you want from your own health and fitness journey.

Maybe for you running a marathon is not in the cards but you enjoy running 5km's on the weekends. Getting a running plan is not necessary and telling you to do extra may end up creating internal resistance which may stop you from running all together.

What Determines A Good Brainstorm

When you get everything down and begin your brainstorm session I want you doing a few things for me!

  1. figure out your goals and write these down start small and think big

  2. figure out your strengths and weaknesses write these down

  3. figure out your motivators both external and internal

  4. write down your history, feelings and thoughts when it comes to exercise, nutrition and training

  5. write down your current healthy habits and any you would like to start achieving

I want you getting really descriptive with these 4 points as these will build your fundamentals when it comes to your health and fitness journey. Once you have this written down what happens next is you will have written over a page, on your notes or wherever you completed this your reason WHY for starting, recommencing or even amping up your current health and fitness journey.

Cementing your reason WHY you do what you are doing is all the motivation you need as long as it is a strong enough reason.

My reasoning to get you to brainstorm is so that you have an internal reasoning as to WHY you start.

I have met so many people that wait for doctors orders, wait for a big health scare, wait for there friends/family to tell them they need to make a change but you know what is not good about this? What happens when they leave? what happens when the health scare disappears are you going to stop?

That is what I don't want to happen, let the motivation come from within yourself and you will have that drive for life :)

If you need help creating this mindmap let me know and I can help you out :)


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